Celebrating 10 Years

The Calgary Greyhound Walking Club was officially formed in May 2004 after a small group of friends and Greyhound owners met for a walk in a local park. It was such an enjoyable event for both the dogs and their people that we decided to get together on a regularly scheduled basis.

Here we are 10 years later and still enjoying our walks with our Greyts and their people.  We guesstimate that there have been close to 200 walks in the last decade.  That is something to celebrate.  If you calculate an average of 3 kilometres per walk, we have walked 600 kilometres together.  Wow.

Come join us in Celebrating our 10th Anniversary doing what we do best, going for a walk!


DATE AND TIME:  Sunday May 11, 2014 at 11 a.m.

LOCATION:  Edworthy Park

DETAILS:  We will meet in the parking lot on the north side of the river where Shaganappi Trail meets Parkdale Blvd/Memorial Drive.

NOTE:   There are a few routes we can take at this park.  They are all flat and either paved or dirt packed.  We will decide which route on the day of the walk.

Edworthy Park Website Map


If you would like to be added to our e-mail list for walk notifications please fill out the attached form:




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