The Great Global Greyhound Walk

Hello Everyone,

Wow…what a wonderful turn out on June 19th for the Great Global Greyhound walk and Father’s Day celebration. Many thanks to all the participants including the new greyhounds and their families joining us for the first time.
On the Great Global Greyhound walk website, you can see the breakdown of the official numbers of hounds walking in the cities and towns around the world that were taking part. Every year gets bigger and better!

It’s all over – GGGW 2016 summed up

You might take note that we fell behind Toronto’s numbers by 12 hounds! We’ll have to get the word out for next year and bump up those numbers. Beth is very competitive 😀 All in all a fun event and we had a beautiful day for a walk as you can see. Here we are at the peace bridge on Princes Island.

Group Photo Low Res






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